Cast of Cabaret - #034


We sit down with Taylor Habershaw (IG:@taylorhabershaw), Jane Papageorge (IG:@janiepapageorge), Stephanie Israelson (IG:@stephyisraelson), Lauren Renahan (IG:@laurenrenahan), Delaney Love (IG:@delaneylovee), Mark Ryan Anderson (IG:@markryananderson), Steven Grant Douglas (IG:@stevengdouglas), and Josh Canfield (IG:@itsjoshcanfield). We chat about this show and the many messages it gives our audiences. We discuss the language in which you speak to yourself, their diets/exercise, and so much more. This was an in depth and wide ranging conversation with such interesting points touched upon. Enjoy!!


Listen :


Tony Nation - #035


Lizz Picini - #033